日本を夢見る海外クリエイターが作ったアニメが話題に! 海外の声「日本は本当に “夢の国” だ」
公開日: 2013/03/23
I've never been in Japan, but I still dream about the traveling to my "Dreamland".
So, this AMV is my dream about Japan. =)
Download: http://tinyurl.com/c8cog87 (from amvnews.ru)
AMV slowly changes the style from blurred scenes which symbolize beggining of dream, into the last part where the dream is becoming the reality.
I'm almost sure that each of us loves the Japan. So I hope that during watching, the little smile will appear on your face.
INFO about AMV:
SONG: Blessing The Rain by Ivan Torrent
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ReallySlowMotion
Website: http://www.reallyslowmotion.com/
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/reallyslo...
Contact: contact@reallyslowmotion.com
Hoshi o ou Komodo, Hatsukoi Limited, Higashi no Eden, Durarara!!, Byousoku 5 Centimeter, Kimi ni Todoke, Gintama, K-on!, Hyuoka, Chaos;Head, Ookami komodo no ame to yuki, Beyond the Clouds, Cowboy Bebop (movie), Summer Wars, Japan 2012(YT) , Japan Heartbeats of time(YT), Tokyo Echoes(YT), Yokoso! Japan visit Japan campaign(YT), Japan trip 2012 to Tokyo Kyoto Osaka Kobe Hiroshima Nagoya(YT)
PROGRAM: Sony Vegas 10